A delicious random challenge

What is more exciting than setting a reading challenge for oneself? Normally I would say abandoning a reading challenge, but this time it’s different, I mean it.

Back in December, I was drawn to a post on Twitter because J.L. Carr’s A Month in the Country was among the books shown. It was a surprise favorite of mine several years ago and I always like to see people talking about it. But then I took a look at the other titles, and rather quickly formed the notion of re-reading the Carr and reading all of the other titles as well.

I should say that I don’t know the Tweeter from Adam. I follow him, and enjoy his output, but I don’t know how I came across him in the first place. So why am I placing any faith in his assembly of books for a project he is working on? I suppose it is because of the Carr. I did find the cover for A House in Norway attractive. And then I thought the subtitle for Ceremonial Time was intriguing and in line with my recent interest in archaeology and pre-history. And by then I was kind of sunk in.

But maybe more than anything, I like thinking about what might be in that space in the middle that Himmer is pointing to.

I’ve gotten my hands on all of them except for Pond which appears to be stuck somewhere in Georgia. I suppose I don’t have to wait for it to arrive to start. If only there was some natural starting point for this challenge…wait, I just finished a book this morning…it’s the 1st day of 2021…I have three more days before I have to go back to work…

6 thoughts on “A delicious random challenge

  1. KateG January 1, 2021 / 1:40 pm

    Happy New Year! Very cool challenge. Steve Hummer was an author at the Inaugural Booktopia that Ann and Michael created, back when it was The Books on the Nightstand Reading Retreat in 2011 and then he was an author again in 2015. I enjoy his work as well, he writes differently than what I usually read. I also loved A Month in the Country.


  2. Kateg January 1, 2021 / 1:42 pm

    Steve Himmer! I hate autocorrect 😡


  3. Audrey Driscoll January 2, 2021 / 12:06 am

    The Outermost House is a long-time favourite of mine. Lucky you, if you’re about to read it for the first time.


  4. Jacquie January 4, 2021 / 12:48 pm

    Henry Beston also wrote a wonderful book called Northern Farm. His experience living on a farm in Maine. His descriptions are wonderful. I read and reread how he sees an writes about shadows on snow. It’s gentle reading at its best. I know you like Maine, so give it a try. Totally enjoying following your reading and writing.


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