6 thoughts on “Maine Books: Sarah and Sarton

  1. irisonbooks August 13, 2011 / 4:24 pm

    Dare I admit I had never heard of Sarton before? I think I need to “meet” her. Btw, the VMC looks beautiful too.


  2. Nan August 14, 2011 / 11:31 am

    Just a side note. I know a man who most likely contracted Lyme disease on Islesboro so you might want to be sure you weren't bitten.


  3. Thomas at My Porch August 15, 2011 / 8:59 am

    Iris: Sarton was a wonderful novelist, poet, and her journals are really great. Do a Sarton search on my blog and you will see all the times I have blogged about her. She is a treasure.

    Nan: Apparently the DC area has the highest incidence of lyme disease in the country so I am used to that danger.

    Diane: I still have more books to show you all in the coming days. And we had a washer and dryer in the cottage so almost all of our laundry was clean when we got home.


  4. Karen K. August 15, 2011 / 9:27 pm

    OK, I have to ask — how many books did you bring on vacation, and how many more did you buy? I always bring too many with me and inevitably buy more anyhow. I am in mortal fear of running out of reading material on a trip!


  5. Nan August 16, 2011 / 11:30 am

    Wow, and I've heard that NH has the highest incidence. It is a truly scary thing. Have you seen the film Under Our Skin? It's on Netflix, if you are interested in this subject.


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